Weight Loss 101

Weight Loss 101

Almost everyone around the world wants to loose weight. Who wouldn’t want to look sexy in skinny jeans or look good in almost any outfit? Looking fit and healthy is what most people want to have these days.

But we all know that loosing weight takes more than sweating it out at the gym so you can fit into a size 2 dress. Or have that 6 pack abs so you can look good naked. You do need to commit to loosing weight so you can keep off the weight throughout your life.

Answer this short 3 Question Quiz to see how much you know about achieving Weight Loss Perfection. Be honest and true to yourself by answering True or False:

1. Weight Loss is a personal and emotional decision that should not be taken lightly.

If your answer is True, then you clearly understand that loosing weight is all about how we feel about ourselves. Its not enough for us to be told to slim down. It has to be personal choice to loose the weight.

It also takes real commitment to make the decision to loose weight. Just like everything else you would commit to in real life, loosing weight requires you to be mindful in everything that you do to keep the weight off.

Although its not uncommon for people to bounce on and off in their weight loss. Daily life struggles and personal problems can hinder your progress and deter you from achieving your weight loss goals.

2. The fastest way to loose weight is to starve yourself.

If you answered False, you’re going in the right track!

Starving for the sake of looking slimmer is not the best way to get rid of unwanted weight for good. This kind of weight loss is temporary and can only do more harm than good to your body.

Why risk your long term health for short term weight loss success? Sure, it might give you immediate satisfaction. But starving yourself to weight loss is NEVER good for you.

3. You can loose unwanted weight by taking diet pills and not changing your lifestyle at all.

If you answered False, then you totally understand what weight loss is all about.

Sure, taking diet pills may help you loose the weight but it doesn’t guarantee consistent weight loss and long term health. Most diet pills are meant to be suppliments to your weight loss program and should not be the only thing you take to keep the weight off.

Eating healthy and naturally grown foods with regular exercise is the best way to go. You can never go wrong in eating the right type of food so your body can properly loose the weight and function they way it should.


Now these 3 simple questions is just a guide to help you understand what it takes to loose weight. But knowing these truths is just the tip of the iceberg.

The main question you need to ask yourself now is that why there are still some people who consistently fail in loosing weight? And that no matter how hard they try they simply can’t keep the weight off.

Are you one of these people? Why do you think its hard for your to loose weight? We may have a simpler answer to that question.

People get into the whole weight loss routine for all the wrong reasons. Who can blame us? Just look at main stream media feeding us with false image of ourselves and telling us that the skinnier you look, the better it is for you.

Take an even closer look at all the glossy magazines, billboards, tv commercials and even in our social media timelines. People are lost and confused to the concept of a healthy body weight.

Tha fact of the matter is that when it comes to proper weight loss, it should be based on what is recommended by your doctor for your body inside and out. Your correct weight should be balanced based on your built, your overall health and even your age so that everything inside you will function properly as it should.

Keeping your overall health the main priortiy in loosing weight will help you maintain it. Everything else such as a slimmer figure, glowing skin, and loads of energy is what you’d get out of it in return.

Aside from this, Putting your overall health the main priority to your weight loss can also help prevent you from getting modern day diseases such as heart attack, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, kidney failure, and so much more.

After everything that has been said here on Weight Loss 101, the next step now is how to overcome it all. Achieving Weight Loss Perfection takes a combination of several weight loss routines or regimen that compliments your lifestyle.

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